Making natural compost
Watch our video on producing natural compost for your home garden
As coronavirus cases are increasing in Cambodia, we would like to remind you about the importance if hygiene for preventing the spreas of disease. Please watch out short video:
We are pleased to announce that KCD was one of the 11 successful organisations selected by the Niwano Peace Foundation (NPF) among the 217 applicants for receiving a grant for grass-roots activity in a local community. Thanks to support from NPF, we will conduct an Interethnic Peace Camp for young peace leaders from our target communities in September-October this year. Stay tuned with our social media to receive updates about this and other activities.
We are very thankful to NPF for their trust and are looking forward to a successful partnership.
To learn more about NPF grant-awarding activities, visit their webpage.
As our mission says, inter-ethnic peace is a cross-cutting value that we mainstream through all our projects. Sometimes people ask us, why we focus on peace? Isn’t there already peace in Cambodia, since the war was finished many years ago?
In this article, we will have a deeper glance at the nature of peace and violence and illustrate the importance of working towards positive peace not only in Cambodia but in every country in the world.
KCD’s Child Rights project is working towards ensuring the implementation of the rights of a child. But what exactly the Children’s Rights are? How are they understood? What does KCD do in relation to them? In this article, we will answer these questions.
In 1989 the General Assembly of the United Nations has adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child (also known as Child Rights Convention, or CRC) which serves the most accepted standard on children’s rights in the world. According to CRC, a child “any human being below the age of eighteen years, unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier.”
Read more “What are children’s rights? How do we protect them?” →
In the previous article, we have spoken about KCD’s awareness on hygiene campaign as a part of immediate response to the new threats brought by COVID-19. Today we will have a look at how KCD is addressing issues of food and economic security during the pandemic.
It is well known that the virus has resulted in an economic crisis around the world. For Prek Chrey this issue has also become crucial. As many businesses closed, many people in the community have lost their jobs. Siv also mentions that, as many ethnic Vietnamese depend on foods that they bring from the market in Vietnam, closing the border has threatened their food and economic security. Therefore, people had to search for alternative ways of income generation and ensuring their food security. Read more “COVID-19 response: Part 2. Food and Economic Security.” →